Women Leaders Unlimited Podcast

19: Finding your voice, sharing your ideas and advocating for yourself

April 03, 2024 Juanita Badenhorst
19: Finding your voice, sharing your ideas and advocating for yourself
Women Leaders Unlimited Podcast
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Women Leaders Unlimited Podcast
19: Finding your voice, sharing your ideas and advocating for yourself
Apr 03, 2024
Juanita Badenhorst

Today's episode is all about a journey—your journey. It's about finding your voice, sharing your ideas, advocating for yourself, and ensuring your contributions are recognized and valued. 

In a world where being heard and making an impact can feel like climbing a mountain, I'm here to guide you through the pathways of self-expression and empowerment. 

This journey is not just about speaking louder; it's about speaking truer, with confidence and clarity.

Find the full transcript for this episode and other resources for women leaders at womenleadersunlimited.com/19.

Juanita is a Transformational Coach for Women Leaders.
She helps women executives in male dominated fields overcome imposter syndrome, gain recognition and claim their space as a true business partner.

For VIP support to unlimit yourself so that you can achieve your highest potential and feel joy in the process, apply for Juanita's VIP program bespoke for your specific needs here and she'll be in touch to invite you to a call.

Or, if what you need is a QUICK RESET to clear the fog, realign your focus, and get on with your life, doing what you do best, grab a Quick Reset Session with Juanita here.

In just one session, we’ll work together to uncover practical solutions and strategies that empower you to move forward with clarity and confidence.

Let’s hit that reset button on whatever’s holding you back, so you can return to your life not just as you were, but better, stronger, and ready to excel.

Download my fee resource: 4 Steps to Overcome Imposter Syndrome Gain Recognition and Claim Your Space as a True Business Partner

Show Notes Transcript

Today's episode is all about a journey—your journey. It's about finding your voice, sharing your ideas, advocating for yourself, and ensuring your contributions are recognized and valued. 

In a world where being heard and making an impact can feel like climbing a mountain, I'm here to guide you through the pathways of self-expression and empowerment. 

This journey is not just about speaking louder; it's about speaking truer, with confidence and clarity.

Find the full transcript for this episode and other resources for women leaders at womenleadersunlimited.com/19.

Juanita is a Transformational Coach for Women Leaders.
She helps women executives in male dominated fields overcome imposter syndrome, gain recognition and claim their space as a true business partner.

For VIP support to unlimit yourself so that you can achieve your highest potential and feel joy in the process, apply for Juanita's VIP program bespoke for your specific needs here and she'll be in touch to invite you to a call.

Or, if what you need is a QUICK RESET to clear the fog, realign your focus, and get on with your life, doing what you do best, grab a Quick Reset Session with Juanita here.

In just one session, we’ll work together to uncover practical solutions and strategies that empower you to move forward with clarity and confidence.

Let’s hit that reset button on whatever’s holding you back, so you can return to your life not just as you were, but better, stronger, and ready to excel.

Download my fee resource: 4 Steps to Overcome Imposter Syndrome Gain Recognition and Claim Your Space as a True Business Partner

Discovering Your Voice

Let's start at the very beginning: discovering your voice. This isn't just about how you sound in a meeting or the confidence with which you present your ideas; it's about knowing who you are, what you stand for, and embracing the full extent of your experiences, expertise, and personal power.

Overcoming the Fear of Speaking Out often feels like the first hurdle

Many of us have been conditioned to stay in the background, to not "rock the boat." But your ideas, your perspectives, and your voice matter. I'll share strategies to move past fear and embrace vulnerability as a strength.

Techniques for Effective Communication are crucial tools in your toolbox

It's not just what you say but how you say it. From body language to the art of persuasion, we'll explore ways to ensure you're heard and understood.

Finding Your Unique Speaking Style is about embracing your individuality.

Whether you're assertive and direct or thoughtful and reflective, your style is your signature. It's how you connect with others authentically.

Imagine we're sitting in a cozy, sunlit room, cups of tea in hand, and you're sharing with me the flutter of nerves you feel whenever you think about speaking up, whether in meetings or public forums. It's a common feeling, deeply human and utterly relatable. So, let's talk about some practical strategies to transform that nervous energy into your power source, shall we?

First, let's tackle "Naming the Fear". 

I often say, "What we can name, we can tame." It sounds simple, but have you ever tried sitting down and writing out what exactly scares you about speaking up? Is it the fear of not being articulate enough? Or perhaps the worry that your ideas won't be well-received? Identifying the fear makes it less daunting and more like a puzzle to solve. So, next time that nervousness creeps in, take a moment, jot down what's bothering you, and you might just find it loses some of its grips on you.

Next up, "Embracing Imperfection". 

Remember, vulnerability is not about being perfect; it's about being real. Share a story or a moment when things didn't go as planned, but you learned something valuable from it. This not only humanizes you but also creates a deeper connection with your audience or team. They start to see you not just as a leader but as a fellow traveller in the world of growth and learning. It's okay to start your presentation with, "You know, I was really nervous about talking to you all today, but it's because this topic means a lot to me." Watch how the room's energy shifts when you do.

Lastly, let's talk about "Building Your Confidence Muscle"

Think of confidence not as a static trait but as a muscle that needs regular exercise. Start with small acts of bravery. Maybe in the next meeting, you challenge yourself to share one idea or ask a question. Then, reflect on it afterward. What went well? How did it feel? Like any workout, it gets easier over time. You'll start to notice your "confidence muscle" getting stronger, and those moments of vulnerability will become sources of strength and pride.

Remember, the essence of embracing vulnerability lies in understanding that your voice, with all its trembles and hesitations, carries a unique and invaluable perspective

Each time you share, you're not only advocating for your ideas but also paving the way for others to find their voices too. It's a beautiful cycle of empowerment.

So, next time we meet, I hope you'll have a story or two to share about how you faced your fears head-on. And remember, I'm always here, cheering you on, ready to celebrate each step you take towards embracing your authentic voice.

As we wrap up today's episode, remember that finding your voice and advocating for yourself is a journey. It's about continual growth, learning, and the courage to stand up for what you believe in. Your voice has power—embrace it, and let it echo in all corners of your life.

I hope you found this episode insightful and valuable. Please share it with your fellow women leaders who might benefit from these insights. 

Remember: You are powerful and unstoppable and it’s time for you to show it! 

Choose to be the best version of yourself today!

It’s all up to you!