Women Leaders Unlimited Podcast

22: Motivating teams with Passionate Leadership

April 25, 2024 Juanita Badenhorst
22: Motivating teams with Passionate Leadership
Women Leaders Unlimited Podcast
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Women Leaders Unlimited Podcast
22: Motivating teams with Passionate Leadership
Apr 25, 2024
Juanita Badenhorst

Hello, and welcome to another episode of "Women Leaders Unlimited." 

Today, we’re diving deep into a topic that resonates with every one of us as leaders, especially in challenging times: the transformative power of passion in leadership. 

We often hear that great leaders need to be strategic, resilient, or empathetic, but how often do we talk about passion as a leadership quality? 

Passion is not just a trait; it’s the fuel that drives us and our teams toward success. Let’s explore why passion is essential and how you, as a woman leader, can harness it to inspire and motivate your team.

Find the full transcript for this episode and other resources for women leaders at womenleadersunlimited.com/22.

Juanita is a Transformational Coach for Women Leaders.
She helps women executives in male dominated fields overcome imposter syndrome, gain recognition and claim their space as a true business partner.

For VIP support to unlimit yourself so that you can achieve your highest potential and feel joy in the process, apply for Juanita's VIP program bespoke for your specific needs here and she'll be in touch to invite you to a call.

Or, if what you need is a QUICK RESET to clear the fog, realign your focus, and get on with your life, doing what you do best, grab a Quick Reset Session with Juanita here.

In just one session, we’ll work together to uncover practical solutions and strategies that empower you to move forward with clarity and confidence.

Let’s hit that reset button on whatever’s holding you back, so you can return to your life not just as you were, but better, stronger, and ready to excel.

Download my fee resource: 4 Steps to Overcome Imposter Syndrome Gain Recognition and Claim Your Space as a True Business Partner

Show Notes Transcript

Hello, and welcome to another episode of "Women Leaders Unlimited." 

Today, we’re diving deep into a topic that resonates with every one of us as leaders, especially in challenging times: the transformative power of passion in leadership. 

We often hear that great leaders need to be strategic, resilient, or empathetic, but how often do we talk about passion as a leadership quality? 

Passion is not just a trait; it’s the fuel that drives us and our teams toward success. Let’s explore why passion is essential and how you, as a woman leader, can harness it to inspire and motivate your team.

Find the full transcript for this episode and other resources for women leaders at womenleadersunlimited.com/22.

Juanita is a Transformational Coach for Women Leaders.
She helps women executives in male dominated fields overcome imposter syndrome, gain recognition and claim their space as a true business partner.

For VIP support to unlimit yourself so that you can achieve your highest potential and feel joy in the process, apply for Juanita's VIP program bespoke for your specific needs here and she'll be in touch to invite you to a call.

Or, if what you need is a QUICK RESET to clear the fog, realign your focus, and get on with your life, doing what you do best, grab a Quick Reset Session with Juanita here.

In just one session, we’ll work together to uncover practical solutions and strategies that empower you to move forward with clarity and confidence.

Let’s hit that reset button on whatever’s holding you back, so you can return to your life not just as you were, but better, stronger, and ready to excel.

Download my fee resource: 4 Steps to Overcome Imposter Syndrome Gain Recognition and Claim Your Space as a True Business Partner

Why Passion Matters in Leadership

Imagine working with someone who is not just present but fully engaged and enthusiastic about the projects you’re working on together. This energy is palpable, isn't it? It’s infectious! That's the essence of passion in leadership. A leader’s enthusiasm acts as a catalyst that ignites motivation and commitment among team members.

The Ripple Effect of Passion

When you, as a leader, show genuine excitement and belief in your work, it naturally spills over to your team. Passion is like a virus, but the good kind—it spreads quickly and can drastically change the workplace atmosphere. Your energy can transform an ordinary task into a meaningful mission for your team, making the workday not just bearable but enjoyable and fulfilling.

Contrasting Passion with Apathy

On the flip side, few things are more demotivating than a leader who shows up looking bored or uninterested. If the leader doesn’t care, why should anyone else? Apathy from leadership can create a domino effect, leading to a disengaged and uninspired team. It's crucial to reflect: Are you just going through the motions, or are you leading with zest and zeal?

Identifying Your Passion

To ignite passion in others, you first need to recognize what drives you. What made you step into your role? What aspect of your work lights up your eyes? Sometimes, the daily grind can make us lose sight of our initial sparks.

Rediscovering Your ‘Why’

Reconnect with the reasons you chose this path. Whether it’s about making a difference, solving complex problems, or leading change—reminding yourself of your ‘why’ can reignite your passion. Remember, reconnecting with your purpose not only revitalizes your own spirit but also renews your ability to inspire others.

Communicating Your Passion

Once you’ve reconnected with your passion, the next step is to express it. Share your excitement and vision in team meetings, one-on-one sessions, and through your company communications. Let your team see and feel your enthusiasm. When they do, they’ll likely mirror it in their approach to their tasks.

Cultivating a Passionate Team

Building a team that shares your passion doesn’t happen by accident. It’s crafted through deliberate actions and strategies.

Hiring for Passion and Enthusiasm

Start with the hiring process. Look for candidates who show not just the skills but also the enthusiasm for the role and the mission of your organization. Passionate employees are more likely to be engaged and remain motivated over the long haul.

Fostering an Environment of Engagement

Create an environment where passion is nurtured. This can be through encouraging creativity, fostering an open communication culture, and recognizing and celebrating efforts and successes. An environment that values and promotes passion will naturally encourage your team to bring their best selves to work.

Leading with Passion in Challenging Times

Especially in challenging times, your role as a leader is crucial. Your team looks to you for guidance and reassurance. Leading with passion during these times shows your team that despite difficulties, you believe in the mission and the collective ability to overcome obstacles.

Being Relatable and Human

Let them see your challenges too—being passionate doesn’t mean hiding your struggles. It means showing your determination and optimism in facing them. This authenticity in leadership can deeply inspire and connect your team.


As we wrap up today’s episode, I encourage you to take a moment to reflect on your own leadership style. 

Are you leading with passion? Are you the spark that lights the fire within your team, or is there more you could do to show up as a passionate leader?

Remember, the energy and enthusiasm you bring can either uplift or deflate your team. 

Choose to be the leader who inspires, who energizes, and who brings out the best in those around her.

Call to Action

This week, I challenge you to identify one area where you can bring more passion into your leadership. Share your commitment with your team and see how it transforms the dynamics of your work environment.


Thank you for tuning in to "Women Leaders Unlimited." Let’s continue to lead with passion, inspire with dedication, and create unlimited possibilities together. Stay passionate and see you next episode!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I find my passion if I feel like I’ve lost it?

Rediscovering your passion can often mean going back to the basics. Reflect on what aspects of your job or role initially excited you. Talk to mentors, revisit successful projects, or take on a new challenge that aligns with your interests. Sometimes, stepping slightly out of your routine can reignite your passion.


2. Is it possible to be too passionate as a leader?

While passion is a key trait for leaders, like anything in excess, it can have drawbacks. The key is to balance passion with other essential leadership qualities like empathy, patience, and strategic thinking. Ensure your passion motivates others without overwhelming or alienating them.


3. How do I communicate my passion without seeming inauthentic?

Authentic communication of passion comes from genuinely engaging with your work and its impact. When your enthusiasm is real, it naturally shows in your communication. Be honest and open about what excites you and why—it’s this sincerity that resonates with people.


4. What should I do if I don’t share the same passion for a project as my team?

As a leader, your role often requires you to steer the ship even when the destination isn’t your personal choice. Try to find elements of the project that align with your values or goals. Otherwise, focus on the passion your team has for the project and support them to achieve their best.


5. Can passion be cultivated within my team, or does it have to be an inherent trait?

While some individuals may naturally be more passionate than others, passion can definitely be cultivated. Encourage your team by setting clear goals, providing support, celebrating small wins, and connecting daily tasks to the bigger organizational vision.


6. How do I maintain my passion during times of stress or failure?

Maintaining passion during tough times involves resilience and a focus on the bigger picture. Remind yourself of the vision and the impact of your work. Stay connected with your support network, and don’t hesitate to seek inspiration from peers or through personal development resources.